i was walking home from phoenix landing (yes, phoenix landing) last night and a woman approached me on the street holding a sonogram photo, smoking a cigarette. she told me she was 5 months pregnant and really needed some money, because she had to take care of herself ... being pregnant and all. i told her no, because she was smoking a cigarette. she got really upset, started yelling and told me that she shouldn't have to sleep on the street just because she smokes. i agree with that, but if you are asking for money because you are pregnant and need help don't fucking smoke cigarettes, which cost, what like $7.50 a pack? i dont know if she was really pregnant, or if it was just a scheme to get money from young women. either way it made feel pretty awful, about everything.
i made it back to davis square without further advances, but then, out of nowhere some dude started driving real slow-like along side me. then he rolled down his window and told me to get in, there was something he would like me to hear. like music equals candy for grown ups. i told him no thanks. but he kept asking/telling me to get in. and then he pulled over and started to open the passenger door which really kind of freaked me out. then from the fog, came my knight in shining armor. or just some dude from tufts who walked up and asked if i was ok. it was enough to spook the lurker, and he was kind enough to walk me to the corner. from there i walked home as fast as my legs would carry me (i dont think i bent my knees once). when i got home, i felt drunk and sad. both experiences really just bummed me out on life, and on boston.
boston, it has been fun. but now i am going to leave you.