Anywho, I just got back to good ol' New Orleans after a couple of weeks on the road. It feels very weird to be back. Despite being here for about three months now, this is still not "home." True as it that nowhere is "home," I still feel like a visitor here every day. Whenever I'm away and I come back, it's like I'm coming down for a visit again. I hope this feeling goes away soon; it's pretty disconcerting.
But! Colorado and California were both amazing! I always love going to Denver, and I feel like it has so much more to offer than what I do when I go there, which is mostly sit around on the porch of the Marion House and drink beer from the kegerator. Not to say that I don't love doing that, or going to Gabor's (aka the best bar ever) every night, but it's a big ol' city and I know there's lots to do. This time, I did some excellent thrifting and made it up to Indian Peaks Wilderness Area for a night of 40 degree camping at 10,000 feet. This was the view from our camp site.
That was a fun week and a half, and then it was off to the warm embrace of liberal, alfalfa-munching, gay-marrying, arugula-buying San Francisco. I only got to spend about 18 hours dicking around there (and forgot my camera while I was traipsing about) before it was off to Yosemite with Amy, McIntyre and others. We did a 17 mile hike to the top of Half Dome, which is a giant granite slab that sticks up 5,000 feet above Yosemite Valley. We woke up at 4:30 am and were on the trail by 6:00, in a procession with dozens of other masochists. We ended up making it to the summit just after 10:00, and back down before 3:00, at which point we took naps next to a beautiful vernal pool. Between the three of us, we drank about 15 liters of water. Here are some pictures.
The last quarter mile of the "trail" was a set of cables that you have to pull yourself up in order to get to the top. It was kinda fucking terrifying but exhilarating and awesome at the same time. I highly recommend.
The rest of the pictures.
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