Apparently the staff at Google like to get sloshed on whiskey and PBR and use their sticky dirty digits to type out slurred emails to ex-lovers and estranged friends too! It totally does suck to wake up the next morning with that nauseating feeling that you probably said something like "but......... still i love ueven tho i always thought your brother wojuuld be betrafsrtter in bed." Fortunately, mail goggles will cure any itchy drunky fingers at 4 am on Friday by requiring you to answer a series of math questions before your email is sent out. Unfortunately, women, genetically bad at math, may find this
clever filter system prevents them from sending any emails at all. Oh gee.
p.s. if you have never been the recipient or sender of a drunk email, then i have no idea how you became friends with this crop of bloggers but here's a
Hello my dear kri someone I love, Oh I ran into your mom. Well whatever, I can't remember wgere i was goign with this story it all started at the coffee shop with the bitch you know the one. I was going to see m ynew girlfriend. Wyho are you fucking now? Bur ya, the new girlfriend, she's such a bitchh Okayyyyy, so you know a month or two ago Right, well after that i was talkingt o your mo.m You were a bbir of a bitch , you know. Sorry, where was i? I was on my way to tthe club, you know the one downtown. I hadn't been there in a while. Ya, mabye that's not that interesting, but I hadn't seen her since we broke up, you kniow. I was just curious wath ypu were up to. still working aaaaat the same shitty place lol.W eekends I sit aruond, bored lol.
Okay, so mayeb I shouldn't say thhis when I'm drunk, but... Ya, so what I wanted to say wsa... We had some good times.. Remember that time wr had brucnh with your sister. Ya that was fun ;). O hit actually reimnds mre... i was going to go to the coffee shop with the bitch you know theo ne. I don' tknow whta happened, i fell down.
I need you. maybe some time we should glo for dogff?eeO r something. I don't know lol.
Love, sam
Hlloe m yddar Jütta someone i lov,e
Oh I ran intooo your friend. Well i was at the library. I think this was a month or two aog Okay, so oyu know a ocupel weeks afrer I saw you at ythe grocery store. Rgiht, well after that I was atlknig to your mom. fUUUUUCCCK YOOOOOOUUU@!!#!!! Sorry, where was I? This aws befroe my bdduy sold his car. I was going to go to the store with that erally cute rabbit. wehn aws thta, like last week. Something like that I think. I don't know hwat happened, i fell down. Okay, so you know a cuople weeks after I saw you at the park. right, well after that I was takilng to your mom. You were a bit of a bitch , you know. Jesusf uck, i was just going to write because... You know I'm still fucking pissed off about last week. well., whatever, I guess I'fe done worse than that. Imean you're rpobabl y[issed that I wtote you at all You were a bit of a bitch , you know. Sorry, where was I? yam maygbe that's not that interesting, but I hadn't seen he rsince we broke up, you know. Yo uinowi 'm still fucking pissed off about a couple weeks after I saw you at hte library. Well, whatever, i guess I've done worse than that .
ya, so what I wanted to say was... You know when I acciedntally xtarted hittling on your mom. I realize i porbably shouldn't have done that. Okay it so was'ntmy fault, though. Whatever, it doesn't matter. I was on my way to the store wjit hthat really cute do.g I hadn't been there in a while .I was going to go to the grocery store. I don't know whta ahppened, i fell down.Y a, so you see i tsO wasn't my fault, or whatrever. It's just... It'sj us...t I eend you. we shoudl be together. I met somenoe. she not nice to m,e maybe kind of selfish. I don't know; he might be better ffo with soenone else.
You wanna lilke... mtee up at the rgocery store.
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