Sunday, October 5, 2008


That is the name of the club/bar I went to this weekend. Upstairs is a full service restaurant that looks like an Applebee's decorated by Rob Zombie. The basement is a cozy place with stone walls where you can listen to Euro-techno-pop-clash (new genre?) and do the ol' bump and grind with your favorite strangers.

Berlin is one of the most random cities I've ever experienced. In my neighborhood there are high-end boutiques and art galleries neighboring used goods stores that carry kitsch 60's chairs, apparel and shoes. The goods aren't put on the shelves but simply scattered on the floor. Right down the street is a coffee shop that gave birth to a Bed Bath and Beyond. One side sells coffee and sweets, the other has a fully decked out bedroom set. I have no answers.

I you-tubed the VP debate. I think 's jack daniels and cheetos cheese finger analysis was pretty spot on.


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