Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween or Election Day, which is scarier?

Halloween was aaawweessome. I think there are many pictures of me on the internet taken by strangers. I was so proud bc I feel like it's hard to impress people in New Orleans with costumes but having no head apparently does it.

L-R:The Grey Ghost aka Fred Ratke, Professor Plum, Calvin and Hobbes, Headless Marie Antoinette, Ignatius Reilly

Now I'm in California. Here's a flyer from some people who hate the gays:

...Oh wait, THAT'S NOT TRUE. So yesterday rockstar Julie Verratti, and I did an emergency lit drop in Oakland yesterday that was like Fuck that Shit, Obama Says NO ON 8. We sped up gentrification by 15 years by sending rich, white gay men to walk around neighborhoods. I'm sure some of them are already looking into buying up property there. ("I didn't realize how adorable these neighborhoods are out here!")

I also had to deal with the craziest bitch I have ever encountered in organizing who threw her hand in my face and yelled "I'll deal with you later" bc I wouldn't send my volunteers out to do voter IDs, since ya know, that's not what we were supposed to be doing. If you're doing voter IDs on November 2nd, you're an idiot. If you think Obama won't win Oakland, you're fucking crazy. It was a logisital nightmare but we got out 36,000 flyers. WOOO!

The office here is amazing, there are so many people. A lot of Mass Equality, HRC and just really really dedicated volunteers. It's all so exciting but nerve racking too. The latest poll said we were ahead 50% to 47%. Absurdly close!

Also, here's a picture I found of Kri:

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