Monday, February 16, 2009

Lo siento, Roberto.

But life is boring, at least for me.


Yesterday I played The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time at the Space Machine for about ten hours straight. By myself. Sober. The only time I stopped was to go buy a 30 rack of beer which no one drank. Oh, and I stopped to go masturbate in Sam's room (just kidding... maybe.) If anything, it managed to keep my mind off of the fact that it was Valentine's Day. Fuck that shit. Plus I beat the Fire Temple, which was pretty rad.

Anyways, here's a list of things that I am looking forward to and may or may not feel like blogging about in the future:

  • Morrissey's new album, Years of Refusal is coming out on Tuesday. Needless to say, I am excited.
  • Voda is playing a show at the All Asia on February 27th. I expect you all to be there.
  • I'm going to LA in mid March to visit my friend/college roomate Anthony. It will be my first time on the west coast. Personal goal: touch a fake breast.
  • March 29th: I am seeing Morrissey in concert with Jeff. Chances of me turning gay(er) after the show: high.
  • April 18th: Another Voda show at the Squealing Pig.
  • I've started a new band with my friend Kyle and some metal dudes (METAL!!!) that I'm looking forward to.
  • Seeing that they're all the rage these days, I'm entertaining the idea of getting some tattoos. More on that as it develops.
I think that's it. Boring.

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