Sunday, November 23, 2008

Endeavour astronauts complete third spacewalk, Sam King GRR arrives in Berlin

I am in Berlin!

I arrived at 10 AM this morning (4 AM EST), after a harrowing flight from New York. There was some sort of pre-teen USA dance team on my flight. They all wore their hair in matching pigtails and had team USA track suits. Their parents were insufferable stage moms and dads. While we were waiting to take off they showed off with fancy claps and cheers and then they started wagging their fingers all around and giggling. I hated them.

But, I am here now and Paul is making eggs and I am cold drinkin' German High-C with mineral water. Soon, we will go on a walk and explore the city.

It snowed here last night, so Berlin was dressed up in her fanciest fresh snow outfit when I landed-- TAKE THAT TEAM NEW ORLEANS!!!

1 comment:

Cory said...

snow = not fun. paul tilley = not fun. germany = not fun. you = not fun. lose. hard.